But the last game was much better than the second with a spectacular ending and what I consider to be great game play. The second game was very tedious, with long intervals between each major event in the game. Anyway, the first game was good enough to make me watch the other two play lists. I must admit though, sometimes I got frustrated with the guy playing the game because he did things or did not do things that I would've or wouldn't have done.

The story grabbed my attention as did the game play.

I enjoyed watching this person play the first game, which had good voice performances by Gary Oldman, David Spade, and Elijah Wood. I saw the PS2 versions of the first and second installments and the XBOX 360 version of the third installment. I watched someone who made three video play lists of themselves playing all three games non-stop.
I had the opportunity to experience the Legend of Spyro video game trilogy by way of Youtube.